hey guys , the idea came to my mind that we are busy with facebook or twitter or anything in our phones ,,,
but we lost or forget to remember god mostly all day !! so i just created this cool idea and app so we keep tracking our tasbih all time !! now you can remember god when you playing or when you use facebook or twitter or ANYthing in your phone !! very simple way to use it ,,,
- there is 12 type of mentions
- there is Static section for all those 12 mentions
- Awesome Gallery connected with the phone ( online ) www.FlyingTasbih.com/mobile
- Names of God ( 99 Names made in awesome way )
- Awards section ,, you can see what benefit of every mentions
and more !!
use it and don't forget to rate it and share it with your friends or family or in public groups :) so you can get Hasanat of anyone who use this app ;)